Boulevard Townhomes
Low-income individuals and families. Rent is based on total household income.
Boulevard Townhomes is conveniently located along Wilkes-Barre Boulevard in downtown Wilkes-Barre. This property contains 20 1-bedroom apartments and 177 townhome-style apartments consisting of 2-, 3-, and 4-bedroom apartments.
The property is designated for low-income individuals and families. Rent is based on total household income. The 2-, 3-, and 4-bedroom apartments have washer/dryer hook-ups. Washers and dryers are supplied by the tenant.
There is free on-site parking and security cameras around the property. Located on the property is a learning center which offers after-school educational programming as well as summer activities. There is also a playground. No smoking is permitted in apartments or common areas.

Mineral Springs Village
Low-income individuals and families. Rent is based on total household income.
Mineral Springs Village is located in the Miners Mills section, north of downtown Wilkes-Barre. This property contains 89 townhome-style apartments consisting of 2-, 3-, 4-, and 5-bedroom apartments.
The property is designated for low-income families. Rent is based on total household income. The apartments have washer/dryer hook-ups. Washers and dryers are supplied by the tenant.
There is free on-site parking and security cameras around the property. Located on the property is a learning center which offers after-school educational programming as well as summer activities. There is also a playground. No smoking is permitted in apartments or common areas.
Lincoln Plaza
Low-income individuals. Rent is based on total household income.
Lincoln Plaza is conveniently located at the corner of Wilkes-Barre Boulevard and East Northampton Street, near the heart of downtown Wilkes-Barre.
This property has 200 efficiency and 1-bedroom apartments located in a high-rise building with elevators, several semi-detached buildings, and a 3-story walk-up building. The property is designated for low-income individuals. Rent is based on total household income.
Lincoln Plaza offers laundry facilities, a large community room, carpeting, free on-site parking, secure building access, and security cameras. No smoking is permitted in apartments or common areas.

Floor Plan - Lincoln Plaza
*Sample floor plans and may not be an exact replica.

East End Towers
Low-income individuals. Rent is based on total household income.
East End Towers is located a short distance from downtown Wilkes-Barre. This property has 100 efficiency, 1- and 2-bedroom apartments located in a high-rise building with elevators.
The property is designated for low-income individuals. Rent is based on total household income. East End Towers offers laundry facilities, a large community room, carpeting, free on-site parking, secure building access, and security cameras. No smoking is permitted in apartments or common areas.
Floor Plan - East End Towers & South View Manor
*Sample floor plans and may not be an exact replica.
South View Manor
Low-income individuals. Rent is based on total household income.
South View Manor is located a short distance from downtown Wilkes-Barre. This property has 90 efficiency, 1- and 2-bedroom apartments located in a high-rise building with elevators.
The property is designated for low-income individuals. Rent is based on total household income. South View Manor offers laundry facilities, a large community room, carpeting, free on-site parking, secure building access, and security cameras. No smoking is permitted in apartments or common areas.

Floor Plan - East End Towers & South View Manor
*Sample floor plans and may not be an exact replica.

Valley View Terrace
Low-income individuals. Rent is based on total household income.
Valley View Terrace overlooks downtown Wilkes-Barre. This property has 180 efficiency, 1- and 2-bedroom apartments located in a high-rise building with elevators. The property is designated for low-income individuals. Rent is based on total household income.
Valley View Terrace offers laundry facilities, a large community room, carpeting, free on-site parking, secure building access, and security cameras. No smoking is permitted in apartments or common areas.
Floor Plan - Valley View Terrace
*Sample floor plans and may not be an exact replica.